Research greenhouse

Our expertise in innovative technical solutions for the enclosures and equipment of research greenhouses

Whatever your constraints or requirements: seals against air, pollen, viruses, pests, etc. a commercial and technical CMF cultivations team analyses and defines the organisational and climate conditions as well as the required sealing level for your project. The total enclosure and/or equipment offer is then developed to address your needs as fairly as possible.

For more details, consult our references and contact us.


Design your project and construct your working tool

First and foremost a constructor, CMF Cultivations relies on the expertise of its own staff to ensure the design and construction of your research greenhouse. From the study to the initiation of your project, the continuous monitoring of every step by a single contact is a guarantee of a true turnkey delivery.

A turnkey process


  1. Integrating vegetable constraints (confinement, viruses, etc.) established by researchers, project owners
  2. Determining the climatic conditions, sealing, etc requirements to be respected together (CMF, project owners and researchers) and advising you
  3. Defining solutions: enclosures, equipment
  4. Ensuring overall coordination (project management, construction)
  5. Maintaining, ensuring the structure and equipment maintenance

ECO KLIMA, the CMF technical answer applied to research greenhouses.

Thanks to its thermal performances and its sealing qualities, ECO KLIMA, a new range of aluminium frames with thermal breaks allows for better climate control in your buildings. Natural aeration, greenhouse gas control and the integration of efficient glazing are the main advantages of ECO KLIMA.

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